Dear Team ZESCO,
On the occasion to mark the Customer Service Week, the Board of Directors and
the Corporate Leadership Team would like to take a moment to appreciate each and
everyone of you for the service you render to ZESCO each day. Whether you work
in the back office or the frontline of customer service, your individual and
collective actions add up to what defines the quality of service that ZESCO
renders to its customers and the experience derived therefrom.
In our 10-year Strategic Plan, Customer Satisfaction is Number One among the
Five areas of strategic focus. And rightly so because it encapsulates the very
essence of ZESCO’s existence. Simply put, there can be no ZESCO without the
customer. Therefore, Customer Satisfaction should be at the core of everything
we do because any investments in equipment and infrastructure will be futile if
it does not make life better for the customer. We must therefore fully invest in
customer satisfaction.
As a team, we all work together to define that customer experience. Team Service
as the theme of the 2023 Customer Service Week is best suited to us as a service
provider and resonates with two of our corporate values - Team Work and Customer
We work for a public company and by extension we work for the country, we serve
country and that in itself is a huge responsibility as much as it is a
privilege. Thus, each morning, you get to work, you do it not only for you and
your family but for the next family and the other. Each time someone turns on a
switch be at home or at work, remember that the light or machine has gone on
because of your collective effort.
So, as you work, challenge yourself to think of the quality of service we are
offering: how reliable and safe is our quality of electricity supply; how are
you interacting with those you service (internally and externally), do you exude
the right attitude to your customers? Think of all of our stakeholders that have
expectations of us as a public utility and the country's economic engine. Are we
offering value in the most effective and efficient way, if not, try again and do
it better, for there is pride and honour in knowing that you are being rewarded
for doing your best.
Our strategic plans are but a guide, our value system is nothing but that
compass that leads us to do the right things in the best way possible to serve
our valued customers. Those Key Performance Indicators whether set by the
regulator or the Corporation are but a yardstick upon which we are held
accountable for our actions as a service provider.
As a team, this occasion renders a moment to us all to celebrate the numerous
milestones we have scored as a service provider, we may not be exactly where we
would like to be but we are moving, and moving into a better space, the journey
to excellent service is never smooth but it is made meaningful with those little
yet significant daily actions.
It may just be responding to that e-mail on time or a smile at that customer who
has had a rough day, it could be putting in those extra hours to restore power
supply or going up that tower to maintain our infrastructure. What matters at
the end of it all is that each one is doing their best in an efficient and
effective manner in the quest for service excellence.
So, team, let us take a moment to recognize that each day is an opportunity to
do better and this Customer Service Week is just that occasion to reflect,
celebrate and reset.
Remember, its Team Service because Team work, works.
Happy Customer Service Week!